Wednesday, October 23, 2013

What's up with that Wednesday

This mornings post starts with a short story -

"A rabbi and a priest attend a boxing match. They watch as the boxers come into the ring. The rabbi sees one of the boxers cross himself. So the rabbi turns to the priest and asks, "What does that mean?" The priest says, "Not a damn thing if the man can't fight.""

Moral of the story is that blessings only happen when your ACTIONS MEET YOUR FAITH.....PERIOD

Why have we bought into the belief that things will change in our complacency?  What's up with that?

Topic Tuesday

"The only thing worst than being blind, is having sight but no vision." - Helen Keller

Who's dream are you living?

Monday, October 21, 2013

Motivation Monday

As we navigate our way though our own lives, our success is determined by our service to others.  I believe people only need one thing in life. They just need someone to love. If you can't give them that, then give them something to hope for. And if you can't give them that, just give them something to do.
As long as you can provide one of the three with most of the people in your life.....I'd say no matter what you accomplish in've been successful in others
